DGD Consulting

Website Tuning

Search Engines

Search engines build their reference databases by using web crawlers or bots to search the internet. The web crawler will follow links around a website and from website to website, indexing the words on each page they come across. Alternatively you can submit sitemaps to the Search Engines that they can use as start points in their "crawling".

There are companies that specialise only in Search Engine Optimisation, but in truth the key is to use well-written content and check that those words you might expect a viewer to search on are visible in the text. There is no magic bullet that will guarantee your website being the first displayed following a users' search. However, there are some well trodden rules to follow that can help:-

Follow the above, and you should find your site is detected by search engines and indexed correctly.

Other means of finding your website.
Whilst a search engine is one route to your site don’t forget the others:-